On Leadership

On Leadership

On leadership and what book writing has taught me

The Cost of Consumerism


The Cost of Consumerism

“The Cost of Consumption“ is a deep-dive into The Great Gatsby, exploring the brand of consumption endemic to the American experience and its follies.

Originally created for Connie Stavrakas, American Lang & Literature


Momento Mori


Momento Mori

Personal reflection on loss and what gives life meaning by Amelia Wyatt. Written originally for the application of Yale Young Global Scholars.


A Summer Well Spent


A Summer Well Spent

When asking most teenagers what they did over the summer, some might say they went to the pool, others might say the beach, even. But as for Mary Harris? Well, she’d say she biked 1300 miles across Europe, of course. Click to find out more about Mary’s adventure.

This is an article published in the Davidson Voice, October, 2017. 


The Importance of Bees

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The Importance of Bees

 BEES – arguably nature’s greatest pollinators, responsible for one third of our global food supply, and generally, one of the most overlooked facets of the ecosystem. Click to learn about the bees.

This is an article published in the Davidson Voice, April 11th, 2017. 

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On Luck and Belief

On Luck and Belief

LUCK - defined by Merriam Webster as “a force that brings good fortune or adversity.” It’s something that’s formative in all our lives, whether we intend it to be or not. Click more to find out about luck in the context of Avery Caswell’s book, aptly named: Luck: A Collection of Facts, Fiction, Incantations & Verse

This is an article published in the Davidson Voice, March, 2017. 

Meet Aretha - The Therapy Dog

Meet Aretha - The Therapy Dog

Meet Aretha, the Therapy Dog!

While many people around Davidson may know our long-standing Mayor, Mr. John Woods, and his wife, Diana Woods, perhaps not all know about his flat-coated retriever named Aretha. Click for more.

This is an article published in the Davidson Voice, December 10th, 2016.